Strategic objectives
Doing fine and stronger the main industry, the main industry to maintain its leading position, diversified development, one of China's five hundred Ranks to build a world-class enterprise.
Company Vision
Become a world-class web business.
Company Mission
The world's most beautiful woven ribbons, creating exquisite and elegant living.
Enterprise policy
Safety norms, the team, and sustainable.
Corporate purposes
Create value for customers, creating profits for shareholders, creating opportunities for staff, creating benefits for the community.
The spirit of enterprise
Vibrant glow, forge ahead; pursuit of excellence, Dingli world.
Staff concept
Loyalty, vision, health and development.
Employing the concept
Cause of keeping pay and conditions, sentiments, culture to people.
Technology development concept
Technological innovation, promote product innovation; technological advancement and industrial progress.
Service concept
Services that exceed customer expectations, service to create customer satisfaction.
Standardized management, diversification strategy, capital operation and international markets.
Product concept
In order to obtain the trust of quality in order to enhance the brand value; cost to win the competition, innovation and improve efficiency.
Performance priority consideration to fairness; establish a scientific evaluation system value, the value of the distribution system adhere to a win-win.
Development concept
Conform to the trend of technological development, adapt to changes in the market trend, follow the trend of social development.
Management philosophy
Fine efficient, pragmatic and self-discipline
Security concept
Respect for life, responsibility
Clean concept
Clean work, innocent man
Learning concept
Beyond the self, Zhiyuzhishan
Working spirit
Unity, dedication, pioneering and innovative.
Work ethic
Talk about ethics, about execution, speaking perfect.