

We may use within a certain scope of services Cookie, beacons, and other technologies.

Cookie is a computer, television, mobile phone or other small files that store information on your device. Place a Cookie on your device can be used in different Web browsing session, service, equipment, or identify you. Cookie has many uses, such as: Cookie to remember your log on credentials, so you don't have to enter them each time when you log on as a service.

Cookie helps us to see which pages you visit is and features, as well as the time spent on those pages. Aware of such information, we will be able to more effectively improve services and provide you with a better experience.

Cookie to help us understand what you're watching ads, so you won't receive the same ad every time they access a service.

Cookie through the collection you are using our services as well as information on other Web sites and applications, helping us to provide you with relevant content and advertising.

If you use a Web browser to access the service, you can configure your browser to accept all Cookie, refuse all Cookie or notify you when a Cookie is sent. Each browser is different, so check your browser's "help" menu to learn how to change your Cookie preferences. In addition, the operating system of your device may contain additional Cookie control.

But please note that certain services may be designed to work with Cookie and disable Cookie may affect your use of these services or the ability of some services.

Access to and use of our services, means that you agree that your device is stored on the Cookie and other local storage, beacons, and other information; agree with us and the third parties access to this type of Cookie, local storage, beacons and information.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

By accessing this website and using the facilities provided by this website and (or) services, you agree to the visit and the implementation and/or services provided by People's Republic of China legal constraints, and you agree to be bound by People's Republic of China court jurisdiction.