We need the following talents, if you meet the following conditions, please contact us0579-85335003

    President assistant

  • The number of required: 1.
    Job description:
    1, the group company overall operating management, including strategic and business planning, organization and management, etc.;
    2, participate in making important decisions;
    3, complete other work assigned by the board.
    1, male, 50 years old the following, bachelor degree or above, height 170 cm or more;
    2, 5 years more than 1000 large-scale production enterprise operation management working experience;
    3, familiar with manufacturing enterprises strategic management and strategic planning, a large textile, dyeing and finishing enterprises is preferred;
    4, good professional quality and workplace demeanor, outstanding organization and coordination and communication skills.

    The financial manager

  • The number of required: 1.
    Job description:
    1, comprehensive subsidiary company financial management work;
    2, production enterprise tax planning, cost control and budget management module;
    3, subsidiary finance department management;
    4, participate in the subsidiary major decisions.
    1, sexs, 50 years old the following, college degree or above; majored in finance, accounting,
    2, 5 years working experience in industrial enterprise financial management, familiar with manufacturing cost, taxation, budget management, etc.;
    3, good professional ethics and communication and coordination ability;
    4, have intermediate title first.

    The audit class/audit specialist senior talents

  • The number of required: 1.
    Job description:
    1, the ministry of audit directly responsible to the President, the independent audit and survey work;
    2, to the headquarters and the subsidiary financial financial management processes and system implementation of professional audit;
    3, to carry out other duties assigned by the President of the audit, and survey work.
    1, 50 years old the following, finance, accounting and auditing related college degree or above;
    2, 2 years working experience in finance, audit, can independently carry out audit work;
    3, the high-level jobs recruitment at the same time, depending on the experience, the ability to locate.

    Senior President secretary

  • The number of required: 1.
    Job description:
    1, responsible for President agenda, schedule to remind, planning;
    2, President of important guests communication, reception;
    3 initial audit report, executive President of important documents;
    4, presidents, and convey the medium between the executive;
    5, to do the training of talent pool management.
    1, female, zhejiang household priority, college degree or above, more than, 160 cm tall;
    2, good image and characteristic, has the good communication coordinated ability;
    3, good writing ability;
    4, 2 years secretary or assistant work experience, have management experience can locate management job.

    Director of the administrative office (reserve)

  • The number of required: 1.
    Job description:
    1, subsidiary, head of the administrative work, to the subsidiary (deputy) general manager will be responsible for;
    2 of each business module, subsidiary administrative supervision, planning, and guide each module is in charge of work;
    3, participate in the subsidiary major decisions.
    1, male, 50 years old the following, college degree or above;
    2, 5 years working experience in administration;
    3, have strong ability of execution, communication and coordination ability.

    Dyeing technology talents

  • The required number: several
    Job description:
    1, dyeing technology research and development;
    2, dyeing products proofing.
    1, interns should be light and dyeing professional college degree or above, excellent professional class scores, interested in dyeing and finishing industry long-term development;
    2, social workers should meet more than 2 years working experience in textile dyeing, can independently research and develop the dyeing, proofing, etc.

    Textile technology talents

  • 所需人数:若干


    Research and design personnel

  • The required number: several
    Job description:
    1, new product design and improvement;
    2, new products proofing.
    1, sexs, textile, dyeing and finishing related college degree or above;
    2, 3 years or above working experience in product design;
    3, skilled organization, knowledge of raw materials, have expand sex thinking, able to work alone to complete the new product design;
    4, have good professional secrecy consciousness, outstanding ability of market insight.

    Information Engineer

  • The number of required: 1.
    Job description: